Fordville, North Dakota
Phone: (701) 331-2565
Always working with eminence in mind
Hi there! My name is Mandy Dietzler Bondy.
I have been owned by the Doberman Pinscher since 1987. Before that as a younger child I dreamed about them, looking in books and Dog World magazines…even asking Santa for a dobe puppy for a couple years in a row! Finally when I was 10 my dad called around and found a dobe breeder with a litter, and put a deposit down. A few months later my mom took us up and picked our brand new 8 week old female puppy, who I named Dana. I would train her to stand/stack and playing around I would pretend we were in a show. Dana lived a happy healthy life to age 11… and then I had to make that dreadful decision to put her down do to osteosarcoma at 11.5.
Since, as a child I never got the opportunity to get into showing dogs, I ended up showing horses. I competed in open shows, AQHA and ApHC breed shows in the western pleasure, hunter under saddle and halter classes. As time went on, I still had a dream of showing Dobermans. Finally, I got my first show dobe from Joan Witt (Cha Rish Dobermans) in 2000 and the rest is basically history. I mostly breeder/owner handle my dogs as that's where I get the most satisfaction out of showing. It feels like such an accomplishment when you finish your dog owner handled or breeder/owner handled. Though, I will admit its fun to sit back and watch your dog in the ring with a professional too. If I'm not presenting my own dogs, most often it is the very talented Cindy Lane Smith doing so. I never worry about the care and treatment the dogs are getting in Cindy's hands.
For breeding, I breed under the JAIMAND prefix which is my husband’s and my name put together. I have co-bred several litters with Cindy Lane-Smith, a frozen semen litter with Ch Gemstone's Cold Cash Datelis WAC with Paul Croley (Jager)and a few more with Denise Morman (Demor). I give credit to my amazing bitches Group Winning Am/Can Ch Jager's Chantico Amdre TT for starting my foundation with the beautiful bitches I kept back from her and to Can Ch Kalora's Hotter Than Hades for producing my first litter where a special red boy ("Scorch") came out of.
When I plan a breeding my main purpose is for me to keep a puppy back to show and continue my breeding program. So you will find we don't always have a puppy available or a litter on the way. I plan my breedings when its most beneficial for my time with the mom and her new litter and when we are ready to bring a new puppy into our home. We don't breed just to produce more puppies, there is always a focus and goal in mind.
I’m currently a member in good standing with the DPCA and the Greater Twin Cities Doberman Pinscher Club.
My husband Jaime and I have been married since June of 2006. We live outside the small town of Fordville with our two sons and dobes of course! Fordville is in north east North Dakota making us only an hour from the Canadian border. We own a full working farm that includes beef cattle, grain, and occasional hogs and of course horses.